宋寅,1986年出生。2009年于北京大学获得学士学位,2015年于加拿大多伦多大学获得博士学位。2015-2021年于密西根大学安娜堡校区从事博士后和助理研究员工作。2021年加入永利14m在线登录永利14m在线登录,被聘为准聘教授,博士生导师。主持国家级青年人才计划等多个省部级以上项目。长期从事先进光学仪器、超快二维光谱和超快动力学的研究,发明了首套多光谱多维光谱装置,探测波段涵盖紫外到中红外(250-10000nm),时间窗口涵盖飞秒(10^(-15))到秒,可测量物理、化学、生物和材料等学科领域中复杂体系动力学。基于发明光谱系统,在光伏电池和光合作用领域进行了一系列的探索并取得了突破性的研究成果,相关研究成果以第一作者/通讯作者发表于Nature Communications, Chemical Science,Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Review of Scientific Instruments等期刊上,目前担任Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Journal of Chemical Physics等期刊审稿人。曾获加拿大NSERC博士后奖学金,美国ICAM博士后奖学金,中国优秀自费留学生奖学金等。
1. 先进光学仪器;
2. 超快多维光谱;
3. 经典和量子动力学;
01. Song, Y., Sechrist, R., Johnson, W., Nguyen, H. H., Darius Abramavičius, Redding, K. R., Ogilvie, J. P., Excitonic structure and charge transfer in the Heliobacterial Reaction Center probed by multispectral multidimensional spectroscopy, Nature Communications, 2021, accepted;
02. Song, Y., Liu, X., Li, Y., Nguyen, H. H., Duan, R., Kubarych, K. J., Forrest, S. R., and Ogilvie, J. P., Mechanistic study of charge separation in a nonfullerene organic donor–acceptor blend using multispectral multidimensional spectroscopy, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 12(13), 3410–3416, 2021;
03. Song, Y., Schubert, A., Liu, X., Dunietz, B.D., Geva, E., Forrest, S.R. and Ogilvie, J.P., Efficient charge generation via hole transfer in dilute organic donor-fullerene blends probed by multispectral two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11(6), 2203–2210, 2020. (Cover article);
04. Song, Y., Schubert, A., Maret, E., Burdick, R., Dunietz, B.D., Geva, E., and Ogilvie, J.P. Vibronic structure of photosynthetic pigments probed by polarized two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy and ab initio calculations, Chemical Science, 10, 8143 (2019);
05. Song, Y., Konar, A., Sechrist, R., Roy, V.R., Duan, R., Dziurgot, J., Policht, V.R., Kubarych, K.J., and Ogilvie, J.P. Multispectral multidimensional spectrometer spanning the ultraviolet to the mid-infrared, Review of Scientific Instruments, 90, 013108 (2019);
06. Song, Y., Hellmann, C., Stingelin, N. & Scholes, G. D. The separation of vibrational coherence from ground- and excited- electronic states in P3HT film. Journal of Chemical Physics, 142, 212410 (2015);
07. Song, Y., Clafton, S. N., Pensack, R. D., Kee, T. W. & Scholes, G. D. Vibrational coherence probes the mechanism of ultrafast electron transfer in polymer–fullerene blends. Nature Communications 5 (2014);
08. Song, Y., Li, X., Ogilvie, J. P. Chapter Two dimensional electronic spectroscopy in Encyclopedia of Modern Optics, 2, 184-196;
09. Yan, H., Song, Y., McKeown, G. R., Scholes, G. D., and Seferos, D. S. Adding amorphous content to highly-crystalline polymer nanowire solar cells increases performance. Advanced Materials, 27, 1484-3491 (2015);
10. Reid, O. G., Pensack, R. D., Song, Y., Scholes, G. D. and Rumbles, G. Charge photogeneration in neat conjugated polymers. Chemistry of Materials, 26, 561–575 (2014);
11. Chang, Y.-L., Song, Y., Wang, Z., Helander, M. G., Qiu, J., Chai, L., Liu, Z., Scholes, G. D., Lu, Z., Highly efficient warm white organic light-emitting diodes by triplet exciton conversion. Advanced Functional Materials, 23, 705–712 (2012);
12. Hassan, Y., Song Y., Pensack, R. D., Abdelrahman, A. I., Kobayashi, Y., Winnik, M. A., and Scholes, G. D. Structure‐tuned lead halide perovskite nanocrystals, Advanced Materials, 28, 566-573 (2016);
13. Anna, J. M., Song, Y., Dinshaw, R. & Scholes, G. D. Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy for mapping molecular photophysics. Pure and Applied Chemistry 85, 1307–1319 (2013);
14. Konar, A., Sechrist, R,. Song, Y., Policht, V.R., Laible, P.D., Bocian, D.F., Holten, D., Kirmaier, C., and Ogilvie, J.P. Electronic interactions in the bacterial reaction center revealed by two-color 2D electronic spectroscopy, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 9, 5219–5225 (2018);
15. Patrick C. Tapping, Song, Y., Yoichi Kobayashi, Gregory D. Scholes, and Tak W. Kee, Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy using rotating optical flats, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 124 (5), 1053-1061 (2020);
16. Pensack, R. D., Song, Y., McCormick, T. M., Jahnke, A. A., Hollinger, J., Seferos, D.S., and Scholes, G.D. Evidence for the rapid conversion of primary photoexcitations to triplet states in seleno- and telluro- analogues of poly(3-hexylthiophene). Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 118, 2589–2597 (2014);
17. Feng, C., Gonzalez-Alvarez, J.M., Song, Y., Li, L., Zhao, G., Molev, G., Guerin, G., Walker, G., Scholes, G.D., Manners, I., and Winnik, M.A. Synthesis, self-assembly and photophysical properties of oligo(2,5-dihexyloxy-1,4-phenylene vinylene)-block-poly(ethylene glycol). Soft Matter 10, 8875–8887 (2014);
18. Qin, Y., Song, Y., Huang, T. and Qi, L. Ionic liquid-assisted synthesis of thorned gold plates comprising three-branched nanotip arrays. Chemical Communications, 47, 2985 (2011);
19. Qin, Y., Song, Y., Zhao, N., Li, M., and Qi, L. Ionic liquid-assisted growth of single-crystalline dendritic gold nanostructures with a three-fold symmetry. Chemistry of Materials, 20, 3965–3972 (2008);
20. Duan, R., Mastron, J. N., Song, Y., Kubarych, K. J., Direct Comparison of Amplitude and Geometric Measures of Spectral Inhomogeneity Using Phase-cycled 2D-IR Spectroscopy, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2021, accepted.