【研究生学术论坛】周小计教授: 激光操控超冷原子及其在精密测量中的应用
【活动时间】2019年11月9日(周六) 9:00
【邀请专家】周小计 教授
The precise and convenient control of quantum states is a major goal in atom and optics, and is expected to lead to new physics and new applications. Laser is a very useful tool to manipulate atoms and is widely used in precise measurement. I will briefly introduce how to cool atoms with lasers, then several our methods to manipulate atoms are given in this talk. (1) Extraction and identification of noise patterns for ultracold atoms in an optical lattice, so that we can identify the intrinsic fluctuations from extrinsic system noises of various kinds. (2) Observation of the new quantum states and its phase transition. Such as the dynamical sliding phase superfluid, dynamical emergence of a Potts-Nematic superfluid, and the finite temperature phase transition in a cross-dimensional triangular lattice. (3) New interferometers. Such as Ramsey interferometry with trapped motional quantum states, parallel multicomponent and double-path multi-mode interferometer. All above researches suggest that the manipulation of atoms by lasers provide more methods to deepen our understanding of the quantum world.
周小计,男,现为北京大学信息科学技术学院电子学系教授,博士生导师。中国物理学会原子分子专业委员会委员、量子光学专业委员会委员。2001年获得北京大学无线电物理学专业博士学位以后留在北京大学工作,在多个国家进行过长短期交流和访问。主要从事光和物质相互作用以及量子精密测量的研究工作,在Phys. Rev. Lett 等期刊发表SCI论文80多篇,论文被引用六百多次;主持国家自然科学基金委重大科研仪器、自然科学基金委重点、自然科学基金委面上、科技部国家重点研发计划课题等国家项目,以及激光光谱的应用等横向课题。负责北京大学信息学院本科生《电路基础实验》和《电子系统基础训练》课程以及研究生的《激光光谱学》教学。